About the Symposium

General Structure of GASi Symposia

GASI symposia emerges from the collaboration between the international society and a local group analytic society, in this case the Belgrade GAS, which hosts the event. The 2023 symposium will have an additional factor - an online program to involve people who have previously been unable to attend GASI events in-person, for a number of reasons. This Symposium is also welcoming those who have become interested in the international society as a result of the enforced move to online events during the pandemic, which opened up new opportunities for international exchange.

The majority of GASi Symposium attendees are involved in group psychotherapy (especially group analytic psychotherapy) or those who use group analytic principles to work with communities or organisations. The symposium offers a combination of a scientific programme - papers and theoretical discussions as well as workshops - and an ongoing experiential element in large and small groups that meet each day of the symposium - as well, of course, a social programme. On this occasion there will also be opportunities for those attending in person and those online to reflect together on the experience.

The Hybrid Format

Various global events that occurred in the past few years have changed the landscape of organising large international gatherings. As this symposium greatly values interactions between all attendees, it was imperative to find a solution that will preserve that connection while allowing people to join us from all parts of the world. As we are slowly re-establishing that connection again, a great deal of thought went into the organisation of the 18th international GASi Symposium.

We are happy to announce that this GASi symposium will take on a hybrid form: you will be able to participate either online or in person, with a number of hybrid sessions that will bring together both in person and online participants. We are excited to have the opportunity to go back to hosting a part of this international event in person!

Held in person in Belgrade and online through a virtual platform, the 18th GASi Symposium will be the first to be held in a hybrid format. Certain sessions will run in person and online in parallel, whereas hybrid sessions will enable verbal and visual communication between all participants across this 5-day event. Beyond the scientific programme, we will extend this connection by providing opportunities for online participants to connect with those in person throughout the event.

The Symposium Theme, "When Divided Worlds Meet", resonates with the organisation of this symposium as well and the role of technology in modern society. Through the hybrid format, we aim to create an immersive experience for all participants.

Symposium Theme Overview

The theme of the 18th International GASi Symposium "When Divided Worlds Meet: Confluences of Identity, Culture, Continuity and Change", will shape the scientific programme. As with all GASi Symposia, the opening lecture on Wednesday will be followed by three days with their own themes:

Thursday - Theory: Complexity of Paradigms
Friday - Socio-political: Diversity and Dialogue
Saturday - Clinical and Training: Working on the future of Group Analysis

Sunday, the final day of the symposium, is reserved for experiential sessions and the closing ceremony.

You can find out more about the Symposium Theme, Daily Themes and the Programme Overview.

Key Dates

Key dates